Hello! I’m Naia Ōkami, proudly known as “The Wolf Girl.” As a transgender woman living in the vibrant Seattle, Washington metropolitan area, I embrace a life that’s wonderfully unconventional. My journey is colored by a unique blend of identity, profession, passions, and neurodiversity. I thrive on standing out and celebrate every facet of what makes me different. From my identity, to my distinctive career path and eclectic hobbies, I relish the opportunity to contribute to society in ways that only I can. Being true to myself while making a meaningful impact is my greatest pride.


We’ll start off with how I identify. I am a transgender woman and have known that I wasn’t a boy since early childhood. I’m autistic and was diagnosed as such at quite a young age back when I lived in Georgia. And, probably most notably given my media appearances on the subject, I am a British Columbia Wolf Therian. Have I lost you yet?


I’m an investigative consultant with a knack for digging deep into the murky underworld of special animal crimes and human trafficking. My expertise lies in the gritty realms of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Human Intelligence Collection (HUMINT). Over the years, I’ve worked with various non-profits and NGOs, leaving a trail of well-documented results in my wake.

This line of work isn’t about the money for me; it’s a relentless passion. The harsh reality is that these domains, especially within the non-profit and private sectors, don’t pay much. So, to keep the lights on, I’ve honed my skills in physical penetration testing and cybersecurity. These fields not only pay the bills but also keep my attention and interest.

If this were a resume, I would include “actress” and “stunt driver” as well. No; I won’t elaborate!

Hobbies & Interests

My hobbies and interests are as diversified the rest of me, which you probably expect by now if you’ve read the other portions of this page.

  • Locksport
  • Volunteering
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Escapology
  • Retro Gaming
  • Shooting
  • Hiking & Nature
  • Conventions
  • Travel
  • Trashposting
  • Raving
  • Alt Fashion (scenemo)